Monday, August 2, 2010

Watching the Weight!

So HI! It's been a while. How have you been? I'm doing alright. My hip is still giving me slight pain, but it's better than it was. Thanks for asking. The workout? Oh... Well... You see... It's just that... Okay, it's like this. I can't do a whole lot because of my hip, I'm unemployed, still overweight, and am taking care of my wonderful boys now during the day. Why don't I workout while they are napping? Well, because that's pretty much impossible. When the oldest is asleep, the youngest is awake. When the youngest is asleep, the oldest is awake. So it makes it very difficult.

It's not like I'm a completely lost cause. I take the boys for long walks at least two times a week and I have to go to physical therapy twice a week. So I'm still getting some sort of workout. Besides not working out, but kind of working out Lois and I have begun Weight Watchers Online.

Now as you have probably figured out from previous posts I am no good at dieting. I am a picky eater and I like to eat junk food. Needless to say I was nervous about this. I didn't want this to be a waste of money. (Luckily the P90X was free.) So we started the program last week Monday. I was given a total of 35 points for the day. (For those of you that don't know how Weight Watchers works here is a quick 411. Based on your weight, your goal, and other various items your are awarded a number of points that you are allowed to use each day. You are also given extra points for the entire week. Usually you use these points so you can splurge every now and then. You also gain points for various activities that you may do throughout the week.Your points do not roll over from week to week or day to day.)

Well I was given only 35 points for the day and also 35 points for the week. I had NO idea how I was going to do this. ONLY 35 POINTS!! Turns out it's a lot easier than I thought. Each day I would struggle trying to actually spend all of my points. It was great! By the end of the week I had earned an additional 24 activity points. So when Sunday rolled around I had my normal 35 points, plus 4 extra points, plus 24 activity points to use. That's a lot of points!!

Well the first weigh in came today. I feel absolutely no different. I don't think I look any different.

I set the scale to 0.

I stepped on the scale.

I read the scale.

I stepped off the scale.

I checked the dial to make sure it was at 0.

I stepped back on the scale.

I read the scale again.



Let's hope the following weeks keep this up. 19 pounds to go to get to my goal!!