Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm An Invalid!

Well, today was my surgery. I had right hip arthroscopy and femeroplasty. Basically they poked a bunch of holes in my my right hip, shaved off part of my bone, and tied up a lateral tear.
I went in at 5:45 in the morning and was in surgery by 7:30. The surgery lasted about 2 3/4 hours. They went in and looked around to make sure that everything was good and found the tear. What was happening was that my cam lesion was beginning to tear my muscle. This was something that I was warned about so it didn't come as a big surprise to me. It just meant that it was going to take a little longer during surgery.
I woke up from the anesthetic around 11:30 and was home by 1:00pm. I am now confined to my couch for the next couple of days. The only time I am allowed to get up is to go to the bathroom. As of right now my upper half of my leg (where they actually did the procedure) is numb. It's weird. It aches, but it's numb to the touch. I am not able to move it on my own. I have to have help getting my leg off the couch to get up and then get help putting it back on the couch.
Honestly, I HATE being taken care of. I HATE having people do everything for me, but I am very thankful to my wonderful wife, Lois, and her mother. They are stuck waiting on me, hand and foot, for the rest of this week. Besides having to take care of me, they also have to take care of our 2 1/2 year old and our 2 week old boys. Having Lois is wonderful, but having her mom over for the next couple of days is excellent. She has taken the time to come and help take care of me.  What would I do without them?

1 comment:

  1. would be sleeping in the driveway OR oblivious to your hip issue thus causing you to have full hip replacement at age 50...and you'd e living in a cardboard box BUT have a nice TV and impressive collection of DVDs...
