Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So yes, it is set. I will be having surgery. On June 8th I will be having my very first surgery. I met with my doctor yesterday and he looked over my CT scan and my MRI scans and decided that yes in deed I do have a CAM lesion on my right hip.
The surgery should only take about an hour to an hour and a half. He will be doing an arthroscopic surgery. First he will put my right leg in traction so that it doesn't move around during the procedure, followed by my left leg for good measure (to balance it out). Then he will drill anywhere from 3 to 5 holes in my right hip and leg to have a look around. Once he can assess the extent of the damage, if there is any besides the lesion, he will shave off the lesion and that will be that. It's that simple.
After the surgery I will be put in a post-op room to wake up and then they will assess my level of pain. If it's not too extreme and I can manage it well I will be sent home (usually 4-5 hours after). If it's not manageable I will have to stay overnight.
Once home I have to stay off my leg for 48 hours. This should be easy to do with a 2 1/2 year old and a new born. After the two days I will be on crutches for the next 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks are up I should be back to walking unassisted. During this entire time and for the next couple of months I will be required to do physical therapy.
My doctor seems pretty cool. He wanted to get my surgery in early enough that I would be off the crutches by the time I needed to start summer school. Which is something I was worried about because if I couldn't do summer school I wouldn't have any income. If I didn't have any type of income this summer we would be out a couple thousand dollars. So this seems to have worked out well. Thank God summer school is only half days though.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So Yeah...

I suck! I haven't been working out since my last post. So I'm pretty much screwed... I will never lose the weight that I want. I will never be super awesome. I guess I will have to deal with it. I would start up again, but.. who am I kidding I suck. Besides if I start now in about a month I won't be able to continue for a while.

For those of you that don't know I will be having hip surgery. Now, I'm not looking for sympathy (Phoenix), just stating a fact. I apparently have a cam lesion on my right hip.

FAI - Femoroacetabular Impingement

What is It?

  • FAI s is a recently understood hip condition which describes a mechanical mismatch between the ‘ball’ and the ‘socket’ of the hip
  • There are two described types of impingement:
    • Cam’ type impingement describes a ‘bump’ on the surface of the femoral head (ball) which jams on the rim of the (acetabulum) socket
      This typically affects younger athletic men (common)

    What are the Symptoms

  • FAI often presents as hip and groin pain with restricted range of hip movements.
  • Symptom onset can be acute, following injury, or insidious after prolonged exertion. It is generally not disabling, except in sporting activity.
  • ‘Payback pain’ after participating in sporting activity is common
  • Pain is primarily felt deep in the groin at the front of the hip, more rarely it can be on the side of the hip or the buttock.
  • Movements can be restricted particularly high flexing and trying to cross the legs.
  • Pain is often provoked by these manoeuvres, by exercise, or by attempted return to sport and relieved by rest and inactivity.

So I recently had a CT scan and 2 MRIs. I meet with my doctor on Monday to talk about the scans and surgery. My hope is to get have the surgery next month so that my recoup time is only during the summer and then be all set to go when school starts up again.

So yeah that's that. I suck.